Dear World Pilgrims,
‘Adventure is a path… your body will collide with the earth and you will bear witness. In this way, you will be compelled to grapple with the limitless kindness and bottomless cruelty of humankind- and perhaps realise that you yourself are capable of both. This will change you. Nothing will ever again be black and white’ – Mark Jenkins.
As we prepare for this magnificent journey, I wanted to offer all of us the reminder that more than mere travel we are embarking on a beautiful spiritual adventure together. I have discovered that not only do I return with a greater appreciation for the countries and the peoples we encounter, but my pilgrimage is also a journey within my own soul.
As important as it is to pack our suitcases with our necessities, I would like to suggest that we also be attentive to our own spiritual and growth needs. To that end, I wanted to make a few suggestions to support your experience.
1. Reflect
Consider taking even a few minutes of silence to reflect on this amazing opportunity. What does being on a pilgrimage do to you? What feelings arise? Is there anything you need to do or complete before you to leave to be the most available you can for the experience?
2. Set an Intention (or two)
Ponder what a successful pilgrimage would feel like? Is there an intention you might set to help you achieve your personal goals and hopes? For some writing it down and bringing it with you may be resourceful. You also may notice that it serves as your compass or it way transform.
3. Write
Writing can often help us connect to our feelings beneath the surface or serve as a reminder to follow up on an area of interest. You may like to use a small journal to jot down some thoughts, ideas, prayers or ideas.
4. Bring Your Authentic Full Self
While we are grouped by faith traditions, we are more complex or varied than just our faith tradition. No one is expected to be a paragon of their faith; the only expectation is for you to be you.
5. Pray
If it makes sense in your personal practice, offer a prayer for a meaningful and secure adventure.
May you find the next few days filled with ease and grace as you prepare to leave. Remember that while there are limits on the size of our luggage, there is unlimited space to bring our fullest sense of kindness, patience and compassion.
See you soon,
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