Friday, October 23, 2015

Mom 1 Josh 0

I have the unique privilege of having my divorced parents as members in my synagogues. They can make life interesting--and there is a humility built into the experience.  Nothing like parents to remind you of your own humanity and foibles.

As a good Jewish Mom, she worries when I take trips out of the country.  

Once my mom loudly rustled in her purse as she pulled out her sunglasses to "hide" her tears as I explained to the congregation why I was not canceling my trip to Israel even though the Lebanon War had just begun.  Last summer, she endured my return to Israel during the Gaza War. 

Tonight when I tried joking around with her about going to Morocco, she was on her witty A-game.

Yes, Mom 1  Josh 0

Josh, I don't think I will make it to services tomorrow night."

"You do know that if I don't make it back from Morocco that it might be the last time you see me lead services."

"Aren't we having lunch on Sunday."

"Yes, but that's not services."

"It's ok, I still remember the High Holy Days."

"Alright. By the way, I hope it's OK that I have asked in my will that someone read the Jewish Times article where they quote you about me becoming a rabbi. I just want to let you know that people will understand why you weren't there."

"The one where I said, 'I thought you would have become a marine biologist."?

"Well, Mom actually it read, 'I always hoped he would have done something more interesting with his life."

"I was misquoted."

"Try explaining that at my funeral."

"Well if YOU had become a marine biologist you would be in Hawaii now."

Touche, Mom.  Sunday lunch, Round 2!

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